Saturday, June 14, 2014


An example of a tree of virtues.
Our lives are full of obligations, families, duties, activities and conflicting messages. Few have mastered the art of focusing on what is important. Indeed, what is important means different things to different people. But there are some inalienable pursuits which are common to all of humanity, throughout the millennia; pursuits which are fundamental to living a "good" life; values and virtues which unify us at the deepest levels. Here, I will attempt to uncover those values, and discuss them in the context of today's harried lifestyle.

Here, then, is an exploration of some essential attributes that are the measure of a human being - not riches; not good looks; not a smooth tongue; not social status. Nothing defines being human as much as what has come to be understood as character; and all virtue, value and worthy pursuit are for the sake of character.

Values can be thought of as those qualities which enhance human relationships. They form the foundation of ethical behavior, and are guideposts for actions and potential outcomes. They represent a code of conduct, a moral beacon to a life well lived. And these values, when put into practice, enhance the lives of others, but also our own.

There are ideals worth pursuing. They form a code of conduct, a moral guide that is consistent with a life well lived. These ideals represent values which, when put into practice, enhance the lives of others, as well as our own. Come along on this journey with me, and let's explore the world of virtues is the tie-in to this blog.

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