“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will
kill your enemies.”
Nelson Mandela
The world is celebrating Mandela's life, his extraordinary sacrifice and tenacity of character in the face of enormous challenges and hardships. The above quote is so moving, no rich in spiritual forgiveness, no deeply needed. Isn't that what so many of us do - hold onto resentment as if our own bitterness will somehow change the object of our anger? Forgiveness is the key, but forgiveness is difficult. Indeed, forgiveness requires tremendous effort. Because forgiveness is an act for yourself - not the party who injured you. Forgiveness is your own behavior. In fact, the person who injured you may not even be aware that you have forgiven him (or, for that matter, that you may still be angry with him). But YOU are. You are the one carrying around this feeling of anger and bitterness, and it is eating YOU - not the one who hurt you. If you believe that by remaining angry, you are somehow paying him back with an "I'll show him," sadly it is you who suffers. And the suffering can go very deeply indeed, affecting your sleep, your health, your other relationships, your entire physiology and psychology.
Read the quote above. It says so much.
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