Saturday, December 7, 2013

Situational Ethics

We are governed by age-old moral values, going back to the Ten Commandments.  In the case of the Sixth Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill, that seems a straight-forward injunction.  No killing means no killing.  Period.  Even of an annoying mosquito.

But what about a situation where the line is not so easily drawn, say, during war?  One may be a conscientious objector, but what about a situation where one is in an accident, and the question arises whether to save your child or your spouse?  Suddenly, such moral edicts are no longer so straight-forward.  Indeed, even if trying to apply the letter of the law, one might look through the writings of the ancients, and come to recognize that even the Almighty has killed and destroyed.

Situational ethics - a weighty subject.

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